I’m not bald, but my brother is

for those who know and those who wanna

How deep can a stream really be?

This morning in church we did a song by Kutless called “All Who are Thirsty”.  The song is a beautiful, and does have an encouraging message, but it seem a bit off…. 

All who are thirsty… All who are weak… Come to the fountain… Dip your heart in the stream of life… Let the pain and the sorrow… be washed away… in the waves of His mercy… As deep cries out to deep

We have several water references here – The fountain becomes a stream that has waves (probably crashing because they are powerful enough to wash away), and then there’s the deep.  We could wax poetic on this all day, but recognizing the message, do the lyrics really support it or are they just cleverly assembled cliches?

So two questions – 

1) What does deep cries out to deep actually mean?  I’ve heard it in an Amy Grant or Gary Chapman song several years ago, and I didn’t know what it meant then?  Is that scripture or is that something that someone said one day, and then everyone ran with it, like Rufus.

2) How deep can a stream really be? and if it is deep, then how do two deeps call eachother? would it be considered long distance? 


April 29, 2007 Posted by | pondering or pandering | 3 Comments

Sit in poo … that’s disgusting

goingpotty.jpgToday Max is officially potty-trained.  He went poo-poo on the potty.  I need to get a little stool (no pun intended) for him to climb on to sit on the big potty, because dumping (again, no pun intended) pee-pee out of his little potty bowl into the big potty isn’t that big a deal, but turning the wrist and letting the poo fall into the big potty leaves residue behind.  However, half of our diaper costs are gone now.  Now it’s into the world of super-powered boxer briefs.

ben-potty-1.jpg Either we’re getting ahead of ourselves with this one or Benjo’s an overachiever 🙂

April 21, 2007 Posted by | Family Fun | Leave a comment

The Next Bet

I think that I would like to make another bet, and make a bit interesting…  Keith is wanting to set the end of June as a new deadline for the bet.  Personally, I think that’s a bit too long.  I may be willing to go that far if he goes for my terms – If he doesn’t have the procedure done be the end of June, then I get to name the next baby:

Boy names – The middle name is already pretty much determined because all of their boys have Knight as the middle name.  So keeping that in tact – Option #1: John(ny) Knight Barnett (It doesn’t flow that nice, but it’s better than Jonathon Knight Barnett.  Unless of course April was a big NKTB fan.)  Option #2: Robert Knight Barnett (We’ll call him Bobby.  If you thought Gavin could throw a fit, then you haven’t seen anything.  This baby will probably be throwing his high chair across the living room.)

Girl names – Saira and I are lucky to only have boys so far, because girl names seem to be hard to come by for us.  Before Max came along, we were trying out different names.  The name that I fell in love with was Tea (pronouced – TA-ah).  I’ll leave the middle name open.  And notice that the name does end in an ‘a’, just like the rest.

That’s my side of the bet.  So to be fair, the bet needs to be evened out a bit in the odd chance that he actually meets the deadline.  What should I offer up as my concession, should I lose?  Also, is end of June a realistic deadline? 

April 9, 2007 Posted by | Family Fun | 5 Comments

all tied up?

keith-head-shot.jpgTo say that my brother, Keith, has a lot of kids would be an understatement.  April 5th is an important day.  If April 5th comes and goes, and Keith hasn’t taken medical measures to prevent the inevitable, then he owes me $25.  This is an arrangement that was made at the beginning of February.  It’s already 9pm on April 3rd, and no phones calls have been placed to the doctor. 

I want to be a good brother, and recognizing I’ll be $25 richer on April 6th, I’d like to use it to help out my brother, who’s afraid of the doctor.  So what should I use the $25 to buy for him to help him out now that child #8 is inevitable?

April 4, 2007 Posted by | Family Fun | 6 Comments